A Few More Finger Style Tunes
I’ve recorded a few more tunes over the past few months, and am only now getting around to uploading them here. I hope you enjoy them.
- Rhythm Guitar, a bit of funk played on an Alvarez with way-dead strings. As a buddy pointed out to me, the dead strings do kinda add to the funk, though.
- Lady Madonna, I enjoy the heck out of this tune. It was fun to play, but it is challenging to say the least. In the latter part of the tune, I use a second track to harmonize with myself on it.
- Name That Tune, beats me what this tune is. It was in my head, so I played it.
- Windy and Warm, the first tune I ever learned. Years and years ago. Back before the Earth cooled. (Well, not that long ago, but it has been a long time.)
- Short Stuff, just more piddling.
- Jayree, a medley of Jerry Reed’s Struttin’ and Papa’s Knee. Some decent picking, but I play both pieces a bit too fast, causing me to flub the tail end of Papa’s Knee. Someday I’ll get off my tightwad ass and buy a Multiac or a good amplified classical guitar, and re-record this one … it really should be played on that sort of guitar instead of a flat-top. I hope you enjoy it anyhoo.